
Yoga Lifestyle with Cristina



Inflammation + Memory Fog: This is Your Brain on Processed Sugar

Sugar has replaced fat as the evil villain of the modern diet. Just as we’ve learned to treasure our grass-fed butter and avocados and understand the difference between processed, low-quality fats and the traditional ones our ancestors thrived on, we’re... Continue Reading →

Time-restricted eating may prevent tumor growth

Researchers have already identified obesity as a risk factor for cancer, so some doctors recommend reducing caloric intake to help prevent tumors. However, a new study now finds that prevention may be less about how many calories you consume and... Continue Reading →

Should You Try a Panchakarma Detox?

What you need to know before you try this intense series of Ayurvedic treatments used to restore the body and mind. As Ayurvedic medicine becomes more popular and well-known in North America, more people are talking about the various Ayurvedic... Continue Reading →

Just How Bad Is It to Eat Before Bed?

Researchers take a close and dispassionate look at what happens when we consume food late at night. It was always my understanding that eating too soon before bed was a prescription for weight gain. Then again, I probably absorbed this... Continue Reading →

Optimizing your Diet

Why are we interested in Diet? An abundant evidence shows that DIET has a major effect on human ’s health and resistance to rampant disease associated with aging, such as OBESITY, CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, AND DIABETES. We can not forget that... Continue Reading →

Scientists find blood from vegans is eight times more protective against cancer

  Scientists have found that blood taken from those following a plant-based diet is 8 times more effective at killing cancer cells than blood taken from those following a Standard American Diet. In a series of experiments people were placed... Continue Reading →

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