
Yoga Lifestyle with Cristina



Amp Up Your Personal Hygiene

You wash your hands for 20 secs, use sanitizer after touching things in public spaces, and clean your laptop…never? Turns out, illness-inducing germs are partying on your PC. Cold and flu season is in full swing, and viruses can stay... Continue Reading →

Does Hand Sanitizer Weaken Your Immune System? A Doctor Weighs In

Does Hand Sanitizer Weaken Your Immune System? A Doctor Weighs In   This rumor pops up a lot. There are theories that have circulated amid the novel coronavirus pandemic that using hand sanitizer too often can disrupt your immune system.... Continue Reading →

What Is Aphantasia?

#Health Aphantasia: When Your Mind's Eye Is Blank roughly 2 to 3 percent of the population who experiences aphantasia. #Aphantasia   What Is Aphantasia?   The term "aphantasia" comes from the Greek words a, which means “without,” and phantasia, meaning... Continue Reading →

When we Feel Connected we are Kind |Yoga Meditation Yin practice recommended

Through the connection concept, we discover ourselves. I have discovered that we can create a bond within ourselves. Tools are simple. Pause Breath  Notice  Feel  Sensations Emotions  Breath  Be Still  Our feelings of connection don’t just make us feel good;... Continue Reading →

Why Walking Matters—Now More Than Ever

Our upright gait is not just a defining feature of what it means to be human. It also makes our bodies and brains work better.   Why does walking make us feel good? We all know that a satisfying stroll... Continue Reading →

Daily Intake of Sugar — How Much Sugar Should You Eat Per Day?

Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the modern diet. It provides calories with no added nutrients and can damage your metabolism in the long run. Eating too much sugar is linked to weight gain and various diseases like... Continue Reading →

Inflammation + Memory Fog: This is Your Brain on Processed Sugar

Sugar has replaced fat as the evil villain of the modern diet. Just as we’ve learned to treasure our grass-fed butter and avocados and understand the difference between processed, low-quality fats and the traditional ones our ancestors thrived on, we’re... Continue Reading →


Yoga can have plenty of great benefits for men, and it's easier than ever to get started.   No matter how unconventional a new workout or exercise seems, chances are you’ll try it if you can envision the results it... Continue Reading →

There’s Evidence Coffee Acts on Your Brain Like Cannabis, But in Reverse

Coffee, the world's most common recreational drug, affects our metabolism far more deeply than we realised, according to a recent study. The results describe a number of knock-on effects that impact upon several important body systems, suggesting our daily coffee... Continue Reading →

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