“As for me yes I want to remember that in my next lifetime, if there is such thing, I want to take that Road and if the universe conjures let it be THEN what I imagine it to be Now.”

I woke up this morning overwhelmed by thoughts that are slowly falling through my perception like the snowflakes from the winter sky. I feel frozen sometimes as if i have experienced this before.  A feeling of all those things I have not done in this life.

How do we miss or fail to see clearly what is important to us, to one individual independent of society expectations.  There are those life decisions that can be done at the right moment in time.  I have pondered why I have never had a child.


Through who  I am  now I see clearly how important it is to share a part of yourself with a small soul that craves for love, life and happiness. Giving a part of us to create a being, to allow a flow of unconditional giving and love towards someone who is just growing wings to fly in this open sky we call life.

I have never felt I wanted a child or so I thought. Till I met a lady and she asked me why? My answer was that I have never felt like it. It never called on me that “want”.  I was never ready.  Maybe trauma from my childhood or just missing on its importance. I have failed to see it clearly and unobstructed.

She looked at me and said:”No is not that you did not want a child is because you have never met the man who will make you want a child with him. True Love gives birth to that feeling .”  Could that be the truth?

Years have passed since then now I am close to 40 and life just smiled at me. Yes she was right I have never met that man until now,  but now for the first time in my life I know with certainty that she was right.

Everything happens for a reason! I am experiencing every day  what it means to be a mother and even if it is a glimpse it is still rewarding.  There are emotions, feelings I have not experience and I know I failed to see it clearly but I am grateful it is revealed to me.

I was my mothers child how could I have missed it completely?

I know that certain decisions have to be made at the right time. I don t want to be 60 when my child is graduating college so  I know I missed that train. I learned from practicing and teaching Yoga that I have can be  grounded in my thoughts and acceptance.  That I am at this moment in time for whatever reason comprehending what this life is all about for me.

I hope that whomever reads this article if you are young go and find your Love search for it with passion. Make use of who you are and accept your decisions as from the actions we take in life we create a mold for your future self.

Let the imprints of your thoughts, words and actions stream from your heart and with that open heart offer as much of you to yourself and to those around you.  Listen to that inner voice it never lies.

As for me yes I want to remember that in my next life, if there is such thing, I want to take that “Road” and if the universe conjures, let it be THEN what I imagine it to be NOW.


Love more and more and always more.

